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Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Process

Well we had the second consultation and now we can move along with getting in to see the surgeon. My husband finish the first part of the herbal treatment and we wanted to dothe PSA Test to see if it had gone up or down or stayed the same. Well when we first went to the Urologist he assured us that we could do as many test as we were comfortable with I asked him to order one now and he refused and argued with me about it, big black mark against him, but once they know you are seeking alternative medicine they don't wanna be helpful at all. Never fear I got it ordered, when he went to the second consultation, by the way I liked this Doctor better, but any way I got him to do it. So now he is finishing up second set of herbs and he goes to see primary doctor next week, I'll get her to order another one and then we wait on the next doctor's appt.

The second doctor did recommend UCLA and USC for the robotic surgery, I think I would prefer UCLA but we will see. They say yes we could get City of Hope but we would have to fight for it and that takes time, unfortunately cancer working on it's own time table.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Treatment

Well we are day three in to the treatment, which consist of 11 herbs, roots and seeds taken as a tea each morning about an hour or so after breakfast. When the Practioner told us about the treatment, he told my husband "it taste real bad", my husband was like ok. He said "some folks say it taste like shit", hubby, "ok". Well on day one my husband foundout what "shit" taste like. His first reaction was "Oh My God, just take me now". The face he made was absolutely priceless, I am tying to get him to let me upload it, the expression is priceless.

This is the cleaning part of the treatment, we always got to do a cleanseing before starting a treatment or the treatment as to work twice as hard. So he does 6 days of these herbs, i'll get around to listing them soon, and then he rest for one day and startes 7 days of the herbs that will target the cancer. The cleaning is working, his poor little behind, lol.

On Tuesday we get the results of the bone scan, keep your prayers working , plz. With results we will know exactly where he is with this, well as exact as you can be, but we will know better and be ale to make a beter decision on the "what next", part of this.

These links are some of the "hmm" information I have come across and somebody might need it today or tomorrow. I am trying to share what I learn in hopes of helping somebody else. Oh yea before I do that, folks asking us what are we hoping the treatment will do. Me personnaly I want it to do what it do and do it quickly. But the Practioner says from the first PSA Test to the second like a week later hubby's had gone up to fast so we are hoping to chill it and stablize it so we can continue to make the perparations for which ever other step he decides on. The ultimate hope for is the PSA drops, now that would amaze me and give me/us so much hope in the Holistic approach to this dease. In the end we gonna see what it do. Ok now for the links.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

The Soup Lady

Prostrate Cancer Treatment

How To Make (cancer protocol )

Vernon's Dance with Cancer

Grape Cure

Ok so these are just a few..I'll add more later until then...

We'll Holla

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

All of Sudden Eveything Changes

September 26, 2011 is a day that will forever live in infamy in my mind.. At 1 p.m. on a warm fall day we got the word that my husband has prostate cancer. Wow now that’s some mess nobody wants hear nad your mind races with a million thoughts or at least in my head that’s what was going on, can’t speak for hubby’s mind. My first reaction was now what? I was kinda in a daze for 2 days trying to formulate a plan, trying to educate myself on this killer of a cancer. Thought about folks we know that didn’t win that battle, wow many thoughts pouring in like water from a swollen stream.
So we started our investigation. The doctor says your options are basically very low. Chemo might kill the cancer but what it is gonna do to your body is enough to kill you all by itself. Traditional Surgery might get all the cancer but it is gonna change your life in ways that give new meaning to being a child for the second time. The medication gives new meaning to exploring your feminine side. What to do, what to do.
Well between talking to folks and gathering information, data, percentages the robotic surgery is the best way to go and hope that you get a surgeon that knows how to operate the robot. Lots can go wrong there also, but we got it on the table. We have to go to our Primary doctor to get the authorization for the second opinion, and we are trying to get it with City of Hope the second best hospital/research center in the United States or so they say. They do seem to be on the cutting edge from what I can see, but then what do I know. This process get the authorization, make the appointment for the consultation and then schedule the appointment for the surgery, we could be looking at a month, so what to do while playing the waiting game, the thought of cancer just sitting there is unacceptable to me and my husband ain’t real thrilled about it either.
I am a true believer of Alternative Medicine most of it has been around for centuries and people have made it their lifelong goal to treat deceases with natural medicine. Most if not all of our medicine comes from a plant, a root or a seed and the pharmaceutical companies have altered nature and sell it for a huge profit. Not to mention I believe God knew all these deceases and challenges we would face and in her wisdom she has placed all we need right here on earth. It is up to us to figure out what and how to use these resources. So began my search for a cure.
It is amazing to me how spirit works and when you put an SOS callout all your guides run to help out. If you listen spirit will guide you to the place you need to be when you need to be there.

The Cure

Soo anyway I started looking for my/our needle in a haystack and then I remembered hearing about this man named Jiansan Ding,a therapist working at Pomona Valley Hospital, so I checked him out and could find nothing negative about him and I made an appointment to see him.

He asked me to bring in a copy of the biopsy and recent lab work. At the appointment he looked over the lab reports and said he wanted to start my husband on a regiment of herbs. He also said in America a alternative health worker cannot say they can cure cancer, they have to say they treat the symptoms of the disease cancer, he went on to say but in his country, China they cure cancer. His prices are very reasonable and we have decided to give it a try, I say we but it is always my husband who has to make the decision. So Saturday October 15th he will start on this treatment.

We are probably still two to three weeks out on the surgery and it is our hope that in between this time the PSA and Gleason scores will drop significantly. At current time PSA is 15.5 and Gleason score is a 6.

Now there is another man, Dr. Sebi but alas he is in Honduras and I don't have the $4,000.00 yet for his seven day treatment, buuut I am working on it. All donation excepted.

Today he had an ultra sound and tomorrow he goes back for a full body bone scan, this is too see if the cancer has spread and we should get results back by Monday, keeping fingers cross.

It helps me to blog about this giving me something to look back on after the cure is complete and I hope I am able to pass along some info you just might be able to use.

He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”