Update...If you don't have good insurance and you get terminally ill, you gonna die. Unless you get real real lucky and land a doctor that really cares about their patients and not just in it for the money , you are gonna die if you wait and depend on them. We are going like in to the third month now and we still do not have a date for surgery. There are three hospitals that we were trying to get my husband into, USA Medical Center, third choice, City of Hope, first choice and Huntington Memorial, second choice. We found the Doctor and put in request for surgery. Reply came back we do not have contracts with those hospitals. These three hospitals are the best in our area and two of them are in the upper stats in the country. But I knew it would be a fight with the insurance company, HealthNet, but it is not even a fight, you cannot go to these hospitals and we pay for it, period. This is why we started the herb treatment.
When we started this journey his PSA was 14 point something, within 2 weeks it was up to 15.5, now mind you this is almost 3 months now. When we started him on the herb treatment it (PSA) was 15.5 after a six day treatment it went down to 9.8 and after the next 7 day treatment it went down to 9.3. We (he) is starting another 12 day treatment 6 days for one set of herbs and 6 days for another 6 days and I am hopeful that the PSA will come down even more, but what if we had not started this treatment can you imagine how much farther up it would have gone. So you can catch a illness early but you got to fuck around with these insurance companies that's what will kill your azz. Next my husband's doctor as of the first of year will no longer be a part of the group he is in, what? In the middle of a treatment, whew, ok they have form you can fill out to request you stay with doctor till end of treatment.
So it is not the illness that kills you, it is the medication (which nobody has even suggested to him)or the insurance company or both. What is really amazing is if he had medicare, they would pay for him to go to these three hospitals, now ain't that some mess. So now we are waiting for them to send him to knew doctor, then we have first appointment, then put in for approval, so now we talking after the first of the year. Wow..and doctors don't want you to do alternative medicine, they'd rather you die if they don't get the money. But if we lived in Canada, a different story. America, land of the free, home of the braves and graves of the under-insured.
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